Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tyree-Miller Family Reunion Greetings From Kelly Rowe

Greetings Family!

We are excited to announce that plans have begun for the 2013 Tyree/Miller Family Reunion!
First of all, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Kelly Rowe; I am the daughter of Melanie Taylor and the granddaughter of Alice Tyree Taylor and the great granddaughters of Dan and Adele Tyree. And my name is Lesley Foxx the daughter of Patricia Foxx and also the granddaughter of Alice Tyree Taylor and the great-granddaughter of Dan and Adele Tyree. We look forward to working with everyone who is interested in helping – even in a small way – to make this reunion fun and memorable for all who attend. Our first task was to pick a location and come up with dates in 2013. The dates are set for July 12-14, 2013. The location we have decided on was Dallas, Texas. There is an abundance of lodging facilities and other amenities to ensure a wonderful reunion weekend. There are also several sightseeing attractions nearby for those who are interested. We will send a list of lodging information as the event gets closer. We hope that since we are still a year away that people will be able to put this date on their calendars and make it work. The reunion events will begin Friday evening and go through Sunday morning; with some free time built into the day on Saturday. An exact schedule of events will be sent at a later date.
I have attached a form for each family group to return. This information will be used to compile a mailing list and contact group for upcoming reunion letters and information. We will be working hard over the next several months to ensure that everyone has a great time. If you are interested in helping please let us know. We want to hear your ideas! Please feel free to duplicate copies of this letter or send addresses of other family members that we may not have. We truly hope that everyone that receives this letter will try to make it to the 2013 Reunion.
Feel free to call, write, or e-mail for more information.            

Feel free to E-mail I do realize that it is more cost effective than the US Postal Service. If mailing through the US Postal Service please forward information to Lesley Foxx, 1519 Andover Court Oklahoma City, OK 73120.
Yours truly,
Kelly & Lesley

Kelly Rowe (682)-551-7702
6945 Meadow Way Lane
Fort Worth, TX 76179

Lesley Foxx (405)-208-0208
1519 Andover Court Oklahoma City, Ok 73120

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